MSPA AP Covid 19 - Sharing & Caring
MSPA Asia Pacific has created a Facebook Group called "MSPA AP Covid 19 - Sharing & Caring". This group has been created to support Asia Pacific members in this crucial global crisis.
Please click here and JOIN the group for more healthy discussions and learn how each of us is coping with the Covid 19 in different countries of AP region.
We will try and help by connecting and sharing our collective experiences and learning from each other. The MSPA AP Board is here to provide you support, guidance and advise on Mystery Shopping related issues, feel free to email us and we may be able to share some advise.suggestions.
if you have any questions to ask, join the MSPA AP Facebook Group - "MSPA AP Covid 19 - Sharing & Caring". or reach out by email, social media or WhatsApp.
Best wishes and take care
The MSPA AP Team
Be safe and be healthy and we will collectively fight the Corona.