Workshops and Webinars
MSPA workshops are not just interesting in the sense of content, but also give you an additional opportunity to meet and exchange thoughts with colleagues from mystery shopping firms in the rest of the Asia Pacific region. They also help to educate and improve the skills of your staff.
MSPA-AP hosts free Webinars and seminars exclusively for MSPA members
MSPA AP Members can contact Anu Mehta mspa-ap@mysteryshop.org for the audio recording of webinars.
For more information about our webinars, workshops, dates and venues please visit this site.
The MSPA Annual Conferences are educative events. Conferences are a great opportunity for the members to learn and share ideas about Mystery Shopping. From our past conference experience, all participants go back with a new perspective and get over many hurdles they may have been facing in business.
Conference presentations are uploaded on the Members Section of the website.
As part of our education program we encourage you to promote Mystery Shopper Certification for your Mystery Shoppers.
To get certified and take the MSPA-AP Shopper Certification test please click here.
If you have any suggestions or topics you would like to propose for workshops please feel free to contact Anu Mehta, mspa-ap@mysteryshop.org.