Neither humans nor organizations are a “single soldier in the battlefield.” Today, networking, co-operation, partnership, information sharing and communication are the keys to effective business development. MSPA membership creates synergy and adds value to all parties by developing opportunities for members in the following ways...
Encouraging affiliations with business communities
- Local (country or region level) and international mystery shopping trade associations.
- Online portals and independent websites of relevance to members.
- Business clubs and business communities.
- Shopper clubs and forums.
- Client clubs for mystery shopping users.
Encouraging relationships with associated disciplines
- Customer service quality management.
- Human resources management.
- Coaching, training and consulting.
- Market research, merchandising and promotion at point of sale.
- Private Investigators (integrity mystery shopping).
Recognition for MSPA members
- Your membership of the MSPA is a sign of quality to potential clients.
- The MSPA increases awareness of mystery shopping among potential buyers of mystery shopping services.
- Active communication and contact with other members improves your standing within the industry.
- Access to educational materials, case studies and industry experience improves your knowledge.
- Discounts to conferences of other organizations and the like.