Welcome, Member!


This is MSPA members' entryway into a significant and growing resource of information about mystery shopping...managing your business, engaging shoppers, marketing, and a host of other information of value to you. Access to this area is limited to member companies only.  If your company is not a member, this area is not intended for you (but there is plenty of other information on our site that may be of interest). If you are employed as a member of staff of a member company, here is what you need to sign in:

1) the EXACT name of your company as it is contained in MSPA's membership records; 
2) your password, which will be sent to you and you will be notified that you have access.

If you have any questions about access, please send an email to 

This page is for MSPA Member companies only. DO NOT TRY TO LOG IN IF YOU ARE A SHOPPER.

 We're sorry, this content is restricted to members only. If you would like access to this benefit and many others please do become a member of the prestigious Association Today!

Enter your username and password.

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If you have forgotten your password, you can retrieve a new one. You will receive a new password by e-mail within minutes if your e-mailaddress is known in our system.